Patient Kookaburra

A kookaburra perched on a vine

Bush regneration is usually measured in long time-scales. For example it takes decades for a eucalypt to grow to a forest size where it can provide canopy for an understory. Even weed eradication takes a long time, and sometimes in the case of Madeira vine (Anredera cordifolia), forever. So it is great to see something happening during a working bee. In this case (March, 2016) we were were weeding and planting ground plants (Dianellas) under an established regenerated forest close to Bapaume Road. As part of the planting process to suppress weeds, we borrowed mulch from a large permanently maintained scrub turkey nest. This young Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae) was attracted by the activity, waiting patiently for us to leave before feeding on any animals or insects we had disturbed.
