Other articles

  1. Palm Lily

    A small palm-like shrub growing in shade

    Commonly called the palm lily in Queensland, this rainforest plant is right in the middle of its range along costal areas of eastern Australia (Lismore to Bundaberg). The species is either Cordyline petiolaris or Cordyline rubra.

    The flowers are a lilac in colour, giving rise to the characteristic bight red …

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  2. Cordless Saw

    A tree stump and a battery-powered saw

    Over the past few years we have been using cordless, battery-powered saws to combat woody weeds and dead trees. It is surprising how well this tool has performed, so much so that it has largely displaced our use of a petrol-powered chainsaw. In this case, Steve has cut back a …

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  3. Withdrawing Support

    Dead bougainvillea vine in trees

    At the last working bee we removed a dead wattle tree that was supporting an equally dead bougainvillea. This was quite a delicate operation since bougainvillea branches were covered in hard, sharp thorns. We cut the main trunk of the wattle with an electric saw and then used a winch …

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  4. Koala Walk

    A koala waking past a tree trunk

    Our resident kola is now regularly captured on our wildlife camera. It seems to like this spot near the creek where he ventures onto the ground. It is always at night and may have something to do with the creek. It is hard to tell which tree it is climbing …

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  5. A Successful Tree Day

    A time-lapse movie of weed clearing over months

    The Ekibin Creek community planting began early with last minute preparations: digging a few more holes, bringing buckets of water up from the creek and getting materials & documentation ready. Our first participants arrived around 9am and a group of 16 people of all ages gathered together under the Tallowood tree …

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  6. Barbed Wire Grass

    A plot of native grasses

    We are attempting to re-introduce Barbed wire grass (Cymbopogon refractus) by experimenting with different cultivation methods. This grass is native to eastern Australia and is tolerant of low nutrient soil and dry conditions. It is found naturally in dry sclerophyll forests similar to the one that slopes away from Ekibin …

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