Positioning Nest Boxes for Gliders

A colony of squirrel gliders hudling

At Ekibin Creek Bushcare we were quite busy at our June 2017 working bee. Over the past few years we have mounted three nest boxes for squirrel gliders but on inspecting them, two were empty. Fortunately the third box had a thriving colony although its host tree had been damaged by wind in the last few weeks.

We decided to relocate the two empty boxes along with a new box, provided by Landcare through our BCC liaison officer, Sue Nolan. We found another grey gum with glider scratches on its trunk, near the turkey's nest. So we positioned the nest box there, about 5 metres off the ground, before any branches.

The two remaining nest boxes were positioned closer to the wide Para Grass field. We did this because, while the surrounding trees didn't have scratch marks, the open field does provide them a clear flight path. We also heard that they feed on melaleucas and we have a cluster of them bordering the western side of the Para Grass field. All the nest boxes were positioned 5-6 metres above the ground.
