Brisbane Laurel (Pittosporum revolutum) is rainforest shrub that appears to have self-sown itself over our site. It grows to about 3m and prefers dry, well drained areas. This specimen is growing a couple of metres above the creek, so these conditions apply.
read morePatient Kookaburra
Bush regneration is usually measured in long time-scales. For example it takes decades for a eucalypt to grow to a forest size where it can provide canopy for an understory. Even weed eradication takes a long time, and sometimes in the case of Madeira vine (Anredera cordifolia), forever. So it …
read moreBlue Tiger
This beautiful Blue Tiger (Tirumala hamata) was caught on camera next to the track at the end of our working bee. Apparently they migrate through Brisbane in summer and are often spotted at the nearby Mt. Gravatt Reserve.
read moreThree Trees Triangle
At our second working bee for the year, we started to clear the first patch for the July Tree Day plantings. This patch has three mature trees in a line, marking the western boundary: a tallowood (Eucalyptus microcorys), a swamp box (Lophostemon suaveolens) and an old wattle. The triangle has …
read moreKoala Corridor
Adjacent to the site we are preparing for the Tree Day events is a very weedy patch, dominated by Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum), but also containing some Cats Claw (Macfadyena unguis-cati). Running through this area is a line of healthy eucalypts (Moreton Bay Ash, Grey Gum, Forest Red Gum). It …
read moreNational Tree Day Events
We have started to plan for two Tree Day events this year, in late July. Like last year, there will be a school planting during the week and a community event on the Sunday (31st) after our normal working bee. Two patches of scrub have been selected: on either side …
read moreCunjevoi after flooding
A rain event on the evening of Wednesday 3rd February, 2016 dropped a fair amount of rain in the Mt. Gravatt region. Since Ekibin Creek (East Branch) has a catchment covering the north-west corner of the mountain, quite a bit of water flowed into the creek. It is estimated that …
read moreSquirrel Glider Huddle
In November, 2015 we placed a wooden nest box about 7 metres high on the trunk of a Grey Gum. This tree was chosen as there were scratches consistent with a glider possum on the trunk. On Sunday January 31, 2016 the box was inspected using a camera pointed down …
read moreFirst Koala
This image of a koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) was taken on the night of 10th January, 2016 at 12:14am. The camera is triggered by the koala’s infrared signature as he (and it probably is a male, according to Dr. Lilia Bernede from Griffith University) climbed down the tree next …
read moreWonga Vine
The Wonga Vine (Pandoria pandorana) is just starting to flower now, in mid-January. There are at least two good places to see this native vine growing: near the footpath at the Gaza Road entry; and more centrally, near the 2014 Schools Tree Day planting.
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